The development team over at Swordsweeper has always worked hard to bring you the clean efficient features that make ARCHIVOS awesome. Now they’ve bent their not-inconsiderable talents to the front end of the app… and OMG, IT LOOKS FABULOUS!
The Front Page
Cleaner, less cluttered, oriented towards bringing new storytellers into the ARCHIVOS experience. But hey… you can see in the upper right corner you’re just a click away from the Story Catalog, and logging in. Quick and easy.
And speaking of…
Wow… is that not the hotness? Now we can feature the best settings in the ARCHIVOS community right up top! And below that, organized neatly into top-level genres are more of the settings our Professional-Level subscribers have created and made public.
But wait… there’s more! Each top-level genre has its own page, which means we can organize settings by their subgenres, too!
And, of course, you can also search the catalog by title and description of setting to find exactly what you’re looking for.
What’s Next?
This is actually the last step in our current development cycle. With the release of this new front end, we are calling this “ARCHIVOS: Version 1”.
Version TWO is already underway and includes…
- A Media Gallery allowing you to embed multiple images, videos, audio, and text documents into each story element
- More articulate and customizable display modes
- Customizable Story Elements and Relationships
- Custom Calendars
…and that’s just the beginning. WE HAVE SO MUCH WE WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU!
If you’ve been thinking about taking ARCHIVOS for a spin, now is the time! Sign-up for a FREE Basic Subscription and discover why ARCHIVOS is the story development and presentation tool for today’s storytellers!